Saturday 13 July 2013

War and Profit pt 2. Where did the Nazis go?

I would like to start by first apologising, for the delay in bringing you the 2nd part of of War and Profit.

Some life events, a house move, some health issues, an unexpected journey and a secret mission,  have all conspired against me and contributed to the delay of the second part of this article.

Before we continue I would like to say a big thanks to some very special people: 

My Big brother Tony, still looking after his little bro after all these years.

"Big" Wes you are the man!  

My good friend Stefan, without you none of it was possible!

I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart...I love you all XXX.

Also I would like to thank you the reader for your patience. :-)

War and Profit pt.2

The aim of part 1, was to highlight the profitability of war for this small group of parasites and how they have manipulated people and events throughout history, to further an agenda that ultimately has nothing good in store for humanity. 

How the false flag strategy has been so successful in fooling the people, time and time again and how some of the most well known historical characters were in fact nothing more than sell out puppets.

The false flags that I focus on in part 1, are just the tip of a very large and very dirty ice berg.

The easiest way to describe the apparent regularity to which they occur, is just say, that every major conflict between nations, especially involving western nations, starts with a false flag event.  Also the strategy is being used with more and more regularity domestically, always another terrorist threat of some kind and always designed to erode more of the people's rights and liberties. The latest of these being the Boston bombings and the destruction of a Texas fertiliser plant.

The domestic false flag we'll come back to, for now though, here are a few more examples of false flag events that were used as reasons to engage in war.

USS Maine

In 1898, the USS Maine was 'mysteriously' destroyed in Havana, Cuba, this was the event that prompted the US to go to war with Spain....Hmm...sounds familiar.
An interesting little piece of information, to come from this particular event, is that one of the US's spoils from the conflict with Spain, was obtaining the foothold within Cuba, known as Guantanamo Bay.
Notorious in recent times for the incarceration, torture and murder of just about anyone labeled as a terrorist by the West.

Gulf of Tonkin  

In 1964, The USS Maddox reported that it had been fired upon by communist forces from a gunboat.
This was the story the American administration gave as the reason to enter the Vietnam war......this one has indeed been admitted to, that it was a complete fabrication.

USS Liberty

As part of a much bigger operation known as "Operation Northwoods" which was basically the mark 1 plan, or the plan A, to take control of the Middle East.

As part of "Northwoods"  in 1967, the USS Liberty was sent to the Mediterranean Sea on a radio intelligence gathering mission.  Anchored in International waters and clearly flying an oversize stars and stripes flag, she was attacked first by three Israeli Mirage 3 aircraft, then Gunboats and finally more aircraft.

It came to light some years after that one of the israeli pilots, refused to attack the Liberty, telling his commanders over the radio that the vessel was clearly a US ship, an ally of israel. The pilot stated that he was ordered under the threat of court martial to attack the Liberty.

This attack went on for hours and hours, which included the gunboats strafing life rafts full of US seamen.
The captain of the Liberty sent numerous distress messages to the 6th fleet which wasn't to far away and the 6th fleet commander Rear Admiral Geiss responded by sending a squadron of fighters to aid the Liberty.
The Admiral then received a call directly from the white house and was firstly spoken to by Chief of Staff McNamara, then by President Lyndon Johnson and was told by the President. 

" I want that goddamn ship going to the bottom! help!....recall the wings! "

Unbelievable! we have an American President openly telling an admiral that he has sentenced an American vessel and the whole crew to death and under no circumstances are they to be helped.....Can you imagine what rear Admiral Geiss must have thought? is no surprise that people like Admiral Geiss later came forward, telling their version of events of that day.

The attack on the Liberty continued for several more hours and only ceased when the attack was witnessed by patrolling Russian gunboats and the Israeli forces departed.

'You really must check out some of the youtube vids of the USS Liberty, to see the state of her by the time she eventually made it back to port, how it is still afloat is amazing'.

The plan was that the USS Liberty was to be sunk by Israeli forces in secret, it was to be blamed on the Egyptians, thus giving the US the reason it wanted to get into the Israel - Egypt war, all part of the larger plan to take over the whole of the Middle East.

Of course the ship surviving with some of her crew members was definitely not part of the plan.

Captain William McGonagle, received the Congressional Medal of Honour in secret  and was told never to tell about the events of that day or of the medal he had received.
The crew were also told to never speak of events that day or face life imprisonment even the death penalty.

Ok...Let's just pause for a moment.

Now that we have a bit of a grasp on the whole false flag, manipulation of world events area, I want to just pause a moment.

I want to just rewind again, to the end of World War 2 and ask a question, because it was at the end of the war that something very important happened, the consequences of which, if not acknowledged and confronted, will be catastrophic for Humanity.

1933, the nazis came out of virtual obscurity, by 1945, just 12 years later they had made a very concerted effort in conquering the fucking world!....and all the while being very open and honest about master races and mass exterminations of all sub-human mongrels. 

Lets just remember that they weren't pissing around...they were highly motivated and well organised,  they showed the world exactly where they were going and how they were going to get there. If you didn't fit into their pure of race and blood profile, then you were fucked! 
Most importantly to remember is that Nazism, is a belief system, a doctrine as fierce and fanatical as any religion and the Nazis responsible for all the depraved, fucked up shit that happened during WW2, were TRUE BELIEVERS.
These people truly believe that they are a superior race and that everyone else are sub-human mongrels that must be exterminated.  This extermination is regarded as a spiritual necessity and thus spiritually just!

So I believe it is important to ask.......

Where Did the Nazis Go?.......

seriously...... where the fuck did they go?

Its funny how the history books conveniently seem to overlook this. When World War 2 was over, it was Germany that surrendered....not the Nazis. 
The Nazis went on the rampage, using the resources of Germany but the German people were as much victims of them as anyone else.
Nazism, is an ethos as fanatical as any religion, which means it isn't something that is just going to surrender and die, never to be seen again..oh where did they go?

World War 2, is no different than any other part of our history in the fact that, We the people, know very little about the realities of it, what really happened.

I have mentioned before that over 50 percent of all documentation regarding, everything!, is still classified, so how the fuck can we know what really went down.

What is sure though is that most of the events of WW2 never happened in the way that we have been told about.

There were certainly some strange goings on in the final few months leading up to the end of the war. There are far too many stories of battles, where the Germans had the upper hand but allied forces managed to prevail, either through bits of "good fortune" or because of "Uncharacteristic" mistakes by German Commanders.

Even Hitler is credited with making some howlers of strategic mistakes, most notably, giving orders personally, for several panzer divisions, that were less than 200 miles from Moscow and had the Russians by the bollocks, to turn around and engage enemies a couple of hundred miles in the opposite direction. This decision basically cost the Germans the chance to take Russia.....Simply doesn't add up.

It was almost like they had got to a if to prove what they were capable of, then without telling the German military, which were just the tools used by the Nazis, they secretly sold out to our string pulling parasite chums. Almost as if it had been planned right from the beginning. 
This might sound a bit far fetched, but just remember who funded the Nazi campaign in the first place.

Operation Paperclip

During the last weeks and months of the war, there were countless secret meetings and deals being brokered, between the Allies, the Vatican and several top ranking Nazis, one of them being none other than Martin Bormann, Hitler's private secretary and who infamously went on to become the worlds most wanted man.
Deals were being done to re-patriot the Nazis....everyone wanted their very own nazi, so there were mass scrambles between allied forces to jump the queue grab who and what they could. Of course these attempts at queue jumping were always given an 'official' operation name such as:

Operation Backfire, Big, Epsilon, Lusty, Osoaviakhim (Ossavakim), Paperclip, Surgeon.

The joint Allied and Vatican operation called "Paperclip" being the most successful and well known of them, saw the Nazi party divided up between the USA and the Russians. 
Although the Nazis were hell bent on world domination, making no secret of what fate lay in store for sub-human mongrels.  With the trail of devastation they left right across Europe as evidence that they were deadly fucking serious about their ambitions. 
We have to remember that within the Nazis ranks there were some of the top scientific and academic minds of the era. Specialists from just about every field of science and engineering you can imagine and maybe a few that you can't.

During the war Nazi scientists and doctors, were explicitly ordered by Hitler to "Think outside of the box" Being allowed to operate unhindered and without regulation or restriction, led to many breakthroughs and new discoveries, in so many ways the Nazis were pioneers.
The weapons technology alone, was enough to inspire this mad scramble to acquire a piece of the Nazi action, everything else was just bonus piled on top of bonus, the Nazis were the gift that was just going to continue giving.

So Operation Paperclip saw a portion of the Nazi scientists, engineers, doctors etc,  off up gettin jiggy with Stalin and his chums while the bulk of them headed to the USA and good ol 'Uncle Sam" 
This also included all of the Nazi research, machines and equipment, whole ship loads were transported across the atlantic to the US.
With this majority that were re-patrioted to the US, also came the 'creme de la creme' of Nazi monsters.

So of course when they had the Nazis back in the US, they threw them in prisons, extracted all the information from them they wanted, then left them there to rot

right? exactly.

Most of them were found positions within military projects, the Space program for example, which was still in its infancy in the US and the Nazis had shown the world where they were at as regards jet and rocket propulsion technology. 
The V1 and V2 rockets being the evidence. 
So these people were in demand, but as I mentioned previous, the Nazis were a collective that included so many different skill sets that they were all in demand by someone.

Here is a brief Nazi who's who and where they went.

Otto Ambros

He was a member of the Nazi party and had a background in chemistry. He was an executive at the I G Farben chemical company, he initiated and implemented the use of Zyklon B, the gas used in the death camps and personally selected the prisoners at Auschwitz for testing it.

Given an executive position with WR Grace and Co, one of the large corporations tied heavily to the military.

Leonard Alberts

Member of the Brownshirts/Stormtroopers, officer in the SS, part of the Gestapo.

Given an executive position with the BECHTEL Corporation, another big player with heavy ties to the US military.

Kurt Debus

Member of the Brownshirts/Stormtroopers, officer in the SS. a man so loyal to the cause he had a reputation for turning in colleagues to the gestapo for disloyal remarks.

Given a senior role in the Space program, became the first Director of the Kennedy Space Center.

Emil Salmon 


Personally responsible for torching a synagogue.

Given a position working on Jet propulsion systems at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Hans Giesecke

Officer in the SS, Rocket engineer, His family spied for the Nazis in the US during the war.

Given a position working in the Space Program.

Hubertus Strughold

Nazi Doctor, specialising in aviation medicine.  In charge of a catalogue of horrific experiments on the living at the Dachau concentration camps.

He was given his own institute at Randolph Airforce Base, Texas. Had a building named after him as he was dubbed the 'Father' of aviation medicine.
A local branch of the 'Daughters of the American Revolution' objected to this, after discovering that Strughold was basically a 'Monster'  The name of the building was changed.

Walter Dorn Berger

SS General, head of Jet and rocket propulsion projects in the slave labour factories at Peenemunde and Nordhausen, described as a "Rabid" Nazi.

Given a board position at Bell Aerospace.

Wernher Von Braun

SS Major, Walter Dron Berger's right hand man, Organised personally the slave labour at Peenemunde and Nordhausen.

Became the head of NASA, whilst in this position it was discovered that he had been sending classified information to Dorn Berger.

The re-patriation of the Nazis, started with a few hundred, then thousands. Thousands of similar characters, were slotted into the system, into every walk of life. They were given new lives, many became very wealthy, acquiring positions of power and influence. There were no restrictions placed upon these people, they could come and go as they pleased and communicate with whomever they pleased.
Many cases are documented, that disclose the fact that many of these Nazis were still collaborating with their 'former' nazi colleagues that were working in the USSR. Many of the scientists and engineers, especially part of the Space program, were deliberately sabotaging research and experiments.
The biggest evidence of this, was the fact the soviets managed to be the first to launch into space an orbiting satellite, then a dog, a monkey, then finally a man, all before the Americans. This is also strong evidence to highlight just how the Nazis looked down upon their new captors.

How any one can seriously believe that these people, that were part of a group that managed to turn the world on it's arse in a very short space of time.
Part of a group responsible for a trail of destruction, depravity and genocide. How could any one believe that they would simply disregard their "Faith" and swap the swastika for the stars and stripes and become good little servants of 'Uncle Sam'

It was never going to happen.......which when you sit back and really think about it, Maybe this was exactly what the string pulling parasites knew and in fact banked on.

But that isn't the end of gets better......much better.

The Nazis had an intelligence community, spy network, that spanned the globe well before the outbreak of the 2nd World War. All this together with the man who controlled it, came as part of the Nazi package.

Reihard Gehlen

General Nazi Intelligence, Hitler's top  anti-Soviet spy.

Known associate of Klaus Barbie "Butcher of Lyon" and Josef Mengele "The White Angel".

He was soon put to work at Fort Hunt, Virginia. He seduced the military commanders, with his talk of anti-Soviet espionage and they all bought it.
He kept them happy year after year with bullshit information, while all the while using this global network to re-patriot a vast Nazi rogues gallery, particularly through South America.
This is exactly how people like Klaus Barbie and Josef Mengele, avoided capture, when the apparent world's law enforcement agencies were hunting them.

The "Gehlen Org" as it became known, an organisation that included people described as the vilest of the vile.  An organisation based on all that is Nazi, the ideology and principles, their ideas on Eugenics, Social control, Bio-warfare, Mind control, Propaganda, Race, this is the organisation that became the C.I.A.

These same ideologies and principles that have dominated the policies of 'Think tanks' like the Rockefeller funded Manhattan Institute, these think tanks have been influencing world Governments ever since. Not least by the formation of the U N. another organisation based on Nazi principles.

When the U N was formed, the world was told that it was for the security of the world. To make sure nothing like WW2 ever happened again. Yet since its formation the world has seen nothing but continuing wars. In fact there have been more conflicts since the formation of the U N, than in the whole of previous recorded human history .........that fact alone, pretty much substantiates this whole article.

Not so long ago, when I began looking for answers, like so many millions of others, I knew that this world was a pile of shit!.....I wanted to know why.

If someone would have said to's like this.......

Basically a small group of egotistical, psychopathic families, with bloodlines traceable back to the beginning of human history, all suffering from a very bad case of megalomania. Managed to take control of the world, by gaining control of the worlds financial system.
Oh they were having shit loads of fun at our expense. Lots of wars, death, mayhem and stuff.  Always to further the agenda of giving them more power and more control........then one day.

Up popped Hitler and the Nazis!.......and of course the psychos in control liked what they saw.
It was like Christmas morning!.....they had found what they thought were the perfect tools they needed to finally take full spectrum control of the World.

When the War came to an end and the psychos had seen enough. They collected up their new tools, changed the uniforms and swastikas for suits and respectable titles, put them into every walk of life and then they were given carte fucking blanche to do as they pleased. 

That was 67 years ago!

That my friend is why the world is a pile of shit!

Now if someone had said that to me all those months ago, it certainly would have explained so much.

Thanks for reading.

Love and Peace to you all

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