Friday 29 March 2013

The Puppet Masters

I would like to start by thanking all of you out there that have taken the time to stop by and read my articles, especially to those of you that continue to return.
I am getting views from many parts of the globe now. From Venezuela to the Australia and a few places in between. Many thanks to you all.

As I said right at the beginning, my goal is to get you thinking about the things going on in the world and questioning rather than just believing and accepting. Of course that includes the articles I write in this blog, in fact I would welcome it, because that is how I started.  If the information in this blog urges you to question and research these subjects yourself, then all the better.

I have received my first comments of feedback, ranging from "It's too long", to my favourite of, "It reads like a schizophrenics diary"

So I'll do my best to try and keep things shorter.  

As to sounding like a schizophrenic,  this is the perfect example of the self policing of the system that I have mentioned, the system has brainwashed us and taught us to believe any alternative view to the collective, as 'mad' and or 'bad'

It matters not though, how I am described, or by who, for I know that even the person that referred to the blog as a schizo's diary, at least read some of it and thus, one or more seeds of truth will have been planted whether they realise it yet or not.

My last article 'Invisible Weapons', I outlined a few of the weapons that are being used against us.  Specifically the ones, that once identified are the easiest to combat. Our drinking water, Television/Movies and Media, The Genetic Modification and Poisoning of our Food. 

I neglected to mention purposely, those weapons that are harder to combat, I will be covering these in more detail at a later date but I will mention them now so that you can do some research of your own.

Chemtrails.... a particular sinister phenomena, that sees  some very nasty particulates being sprayed into the skies above our heads from planes.

Electromagnetic enviroment......this is the invisible elctromagnetic soup that we are immersed in everyday, that consists of the things like Mobile Phone networks, transmitted form multiple antena arrays everywhere. WiFi networks etc.

Religious Doctrine....I mentioned this very briefly in my last article but it really needs an article of its own to explain in depth just how powerful the brainwashing associated with religion is as regards the divisiveness and controlling nature of it.

So who are the insidious bastards behind it all?


What we are talking about here is a small group of individuals, that from positions of power and wealth, have become very adept at controlling everything and everyone.
This global manipulation has been of such careful design, that the complete and whole truth is extremely difficult to uncover. The concept of a few managing to control the masses, is an overwhelmingly difficult one to comprehend and accept as being possible by most.  

This is a very important subject that humanity needs to be made aware of but because of the self policing nature of it, as previously mentioned, anyone trying to do the right thing and make everyone else aware of the situation is labeled, wierdo, nutter, tin foil hat wearing crackpot etc etc.

In extreme circumstances these people are silenced permanently.......there are many examples of this, one of them was former US president John F Kennedy.....check out his speech,HERE, where he exposes to the whole world the existence of a secret network in 1963.....then look what happened to him.

Who are they?

The easiest answer to this question is, they are a collection of the most powerful families on earth. We are talking about a small group of parasites, that through a very careful and disciplined strategy of interbreeding and the formation of tightly knitted secret societies all following a strict plan, they have managed to take control of the worlds finances.

There you go...that was easy eh? :-) the slightly longer version.

The origins of these families are extremely old, many can be traced as far back as the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Thats not to say of course that these bloodlines don't go much further back than ancient Egypt, it just happens to be the furthest historical time period that it is possible to find records of.
A documented aspect of the Pharaohs, was that they considered themselves to be gods and the belief that they are somehow better than everyone else is blatantly evident today, by the cold blooded manner in which this modern day cabal manipulate global events. Events that are detrimental to everyone and everything not connected to this parasitical group.

These ancient families migrated out of Egypt and established roots within the Roman Empire.  
Sometime during this period, it was apparently decided amongst them, to completely hide and destroy all knowledge of the ancient sciences that the Egyptians practiced. Which were passed onto or taken by the Egyptians from earlier cultures. Such as the Sumerians. 
These sciences weren't abandoned by this group however....oh no.

                                    No Egyptian influences here.

                                     No, can't see any here either

                                     No, sorry still can't see any

                                       Oh hang on! what's this?

These ancient sciences are very powerful in many ways and also very empowering for any individual that has the knowledge.  They are based upon the cycles of nature, this information is one of our connection to the planet and all life on it and they needed our connection to it cut.

They did this by demonising them and convincing the masses that all pagan sciences/religions were evil and our only path of spirituality and salvation lay at the hands of the one true God.
Out of this came the formation of most of the current religious beliefs we know of today, Christianity, Islamism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc.
Perhaps the most influential aspect of all this, was the formation of one of the  most evil and depraved societies on the face of the Earth, The Roman Catholic Church. Responsible for more death, suffering, misery and destruction, not to mention theft, than any vile dictator could have possibly dreamed of.

The creation of these different religious beliefs was a master stroke on their part, for they knew of the division it would create amongst humanity....and remember an enemy divided is an enemy severely weakened. 

Another clever move on their part, saw the creation of a central banking system within the Roman Empire. This saw the beginning in earnest of a true class system (more division), and also, it saw the beginning of the means to control all wealth.  Wealth accumulated from the hard work and toil of others. Thus it became the model for the financial system we have in place today, that we are all enslaved to.

It cannot be underestimated how much these events helped shape the world we live in today.
Our connection to the planet severed, our understanding of how everything is connected was destroyed and labeled evil. The handing over of our power to a supreme God, who would be our saviour, thus passing the responsibility of our own fate into the hands of someone else.
How greed and the pursuit of wealth, no matter the cost is the way to personal fulfillment.........any of this sound familiar?

So after establishing themselves within the Roman Empire, they spread out like a virus into the rest of Europe.
Then through much bloodshed and war, mostly conducted under the flag of Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church the push went on to take complete control. 
Of course it was the common people that always paid the price, used as cannon fodder and pawns spilling their blood and guts on the battlefields of Europe, to further the parasites agenda. 
Using the power of the people (because they have no power without us) to take control, of whoever and whatever was wanted. Out of these conflicts the various European monarchies surrounded by their many courts were established. 
With, importantly, the English monarchy at its head. Incidentally, the term to describe the European monarchal bloodline is the Merovingian bloodline.  

You might have perhaps heard this name before, in particular The Merovingian is a character from the Matrix trilogy of films, by the Wachowski Brothers. A character that has immense power and always wants more....Hmm...funny that.
I love their films, they are always full of interesting little tit-bits of information, which always leads to my questions of What do they know?....and......When did they know it?

                                        Illuminati? Me? ooh la la!

Anyway I digress....moving right along....

Now its true, that for many hundreds of years these monarchies wielded the power, they were the figure heads and to some extent they still are today. Particularly the british monarchy, otherwise known as the Saxe-Coburg-Gothe didn't really think they were called Windsor did you? 
This family is a major player in this system of control.
However within this often feudal mix of families carrying these ancient bloodlines, there were those that knew the real power within this system would go to those that controlled the finances.

One such person was a man by the name of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. who was the head of the Rothschild family......a particularly nasty group of parasites, who's history is one saturated with blood.

If you would like the complete rundown on this dynasty of death, click, HERE

"Give me control of a nations finances and I care not who makes her laws"
-Mayer Amschel Rothschild-

The Council of Thirteen

In 1773 Mayer organised a meeting with the heads of twelve other powerful families, these included families such as : Oppenheimers, Rockerfellas, Schiffs, Warburgs. Together they formulated a plan to take control of the worlds finances, to pool their combined resources and wealth and use it to bankrupt the nations of the world and thus create a New World order.
This was the formal beginning of the organisation known then as The Bavarian Illuminati.

Since the formation of this shadowy group, their plans have continued forward.  There may have been a few deviations along the way, that called for a change of strategy but the agenda has remained constant. 
The inner group of thirteen families is still in existence today, although over the years some of the families have come and gone, depending it seems, on their usefulness, wealth and connections at any given time but the Rothschilds have remained ever present. 
Over the period of two hundred and forty years since the Illuminati inception, they have indeed taken control, not just of the worlds finances but much much more.

Today this group has control of.

The World Bank....which is made up of the following:

The Bank of England

The US Federal Reserve

The European Central Bank

I.M.F  International Monetary Fund

The London Gold Exchange.....which dictates the price every day.

All these are owned and controlled but this collection of PRIVATE bankers... the term for these bastards amongst the alternative research community is Banksters.
This is the private organisation that most countries go to for loans and are currently indebted to.........why do you think there is currently a recession?

Furthermore this group are also the:

Guardians of the complete wealth of The Roman Catholic Church

They own and control all the worlds petro-chem companies...they set the price of oil everyday.

They own and control all the big pharmaceutical companies.

They own and control the worlds mainstream media.

They own all the Hollywood movie lots.

This is but the tip of the iceberg folks!

The Committee of Three Hundred.

This is the second tier of the Illuminati, remember I mentioned that some of the members of the 13 families have come and gone, well this group of 300 is where they go to and come from. That being said, not all members of this group have the chance of entering the council of thirteen because most members of this group are just puppets doing as they are told, they are the public faces of the monster. 
Public faces such as, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, Governors, Prime Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, Judges, Corporate CEOs etc etc etc.

This group gives them control of everything else.

Governments, Policy, Laws, Legislation. Military, 

Corporations, just think of any consumer product.

Education, universities and schools.

TV Networks, all the shite we watch on TV...remember the brainwashing?

It goes on and on.  Just about every person that holds a position of power, be it political or corporate are where they are because of connections to the Council of Thirteen.  Don't be fooled into thinking this just concerns the USA, UK and Europe, these connections spread to the four corners of the Earth.
They are either connected by blood, or by being a member of another society, be it secret or otherwise. 

For example.

The United Nations


The Tri-Lateral Commission.

The Bilderburg Group

The Club of Rome

The Round Table

Skull and Bones.

Oh they do love their little cliches and societies this lot.

There are of course those connected to all this, not by blood but because of a chance for a place alongside these parasites at the money trough.  Lured by the prospect of wealth, not caring how they get it or who has to suffer in the process.
These people are worse than the parasites who's tune they dance to.  They are like you and I and yet they sell us out at the drop of a hat.

It doesn't concern them if their actions result in innocent children in a foreign land are being turned into chopped liver everyday, because of weapons they helped to sell, or an agenda they help to promote.
It matters not to them if villagers in some African country are threatened by machete wielding psychopaths, as long as the oil pipeline is completed.
It doesn't concern them if pensioners are freezing to death, because they can't afford the fuel bill or if some hard working family face the prospect of loosing their home due to the whim of banksters.

These kind of people are scum!

If you would like a more comprehensive look at all these groups, a closer look at who the current members of the council of thirteen are today, the main figures within the committee of three hundred and much much more...then click, HERE

In a nutshell, this is the outline of Who they are.

I hope from this very simple explanation, you can see that it is indeed very possible for a small group to be in a position to control our lives.

If you control the wealth, then you control governments.

If you control all the major corporations, then you control consumerism.

If you control the education, media and tv networks, then you control the mass perception of how the world is.

It really is that simple.

Well that was my best attempt to keep it short, hopefully without compromising the information.

There is so much more to it than what's written here but this is the nitty gritty of it, the basic facts that everyone needs to know, without confusing it with all the other freaky shit that goes on with these muppets. Essentially though this just about sums it up.

In my next article, (coming soon) I will explain, how they manage to steer the world in the direction they want and why they are doing what they are doing.

Including: False Flags......The C.I.A......Nazis....and much more.

Thanks for reading

Love and Peace to you all XX

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