Monday 4 March 2013

Invisible Weapons

In the first entry of this blog 'The Alarm Clock is Ringing' I made a few statements about the fact that we, as humanity, have been lied to.  We are being brainwashed, poisoned and oppressed and so far with the articles that followed, I have tried to take easy to understand steps down the path to explain myself.

The brainwashing of humanity for the most part, starts with the young and the 'education' they are given. In an environment that programmes them to be good little citizens, to respect authority and to get them ready to become another small cog in the system.  This I outline briefly in 'Where it All Begins'.

Then I used the building of the pyramids as an example in the article that followed, 'Egyptian Enigma'  as regards that which we are taught and expected to believe. Also how even when presented with new evidence that asks to be examined and explored, mainstream science prefers to ridicule and ignore.

Incidentally, whilst I'm mentioning this article regarding the great pyramid of Giza; I found this superb article on the recent discovery of a complex of pyramids in Bosnia! It's fascinating, exciting and I highly recommend you read it. Check out the video too.

You can read more Here.

As I was saying, I am trying to introduce people to this subject with small easy to understand steps, because, please believe me when I say, that this subject is a difficult one. In fact,  difficult is maybe a tad too simplistic to describe it. Overwhelming is more accurate. It certainly can feel overwhelming for the majority of people being exposed to this for the first time and I completely understand that.

No one wants to hear that the world they thought they knew and had a firm grasp of, is nothing but a fucking joke. No one wants to hear that we, the human family, are under constant oppressive attack. I understand this I really do. I have plenty of debates on this subject in my own house, with my own family, who are also having a hard time coming to terms with all of this. So I get it, I so, so get it.

Whilst looking for some images recently, I came across a bumper sticker that said:

"The truth will set you free....but first it will piss you off!"

This sums it up perfectly.

This world made me angry enough before I started researching this subject, but after countless 'what the fuck!' and 'I don't fucking believe it!' moments - accompanied with copious amounts of head shaking and scratching, I really was angry. The 'tear the arse out of an elephant' kind of angry. Now however, that anger has subsided, because knowing why things are the way they are and having the insight into who these sinister pieces of shit are that are behind it all and why they are doing what they are doing and how they are doing it, has liberated me!  I feel more in control of my own destiny than I ever have before.

By writing this blog, I hope to help others liberate themselves and take control of their lives too.  There are many fine people out there in the world that have been trying for many years to get this information out and wake people up. Many of them have had to make great personal sacrifices, have had to put up with ridicule, personal attacks, threats of being silenced or of being made to disappear, yet they have continued on.  So I think its only right and proper to get stuck in and help the cause.

It is so very important, that people who become fully aware of the reality of the situation, get involved. This affects us ALL and we don't have the luxury or indeed the time to sit back and wait for help to come from elsewhere or to let someone else continue to work on our behalf in the hope they succeed. The time for dependance on others is over.  This is extensively why we are in the situation we find ourselves in now. We ALL need to do our part as individuals, we ALL need to claim ownership and take responsibility for the current situation, then we ALL must come TOGETHER, stare it in the face TOGETHER and make the changes we want to make TOGETHER.

What we are talking about here, is a handful of parasites that are currently controlling the vast majority of the world's population, with the intent of making that control extend to the whole of humanity. They are achieving it by attacking us on all levels of our existence, the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and probably a few other ways that escape me right now.

Ok, in the spirit of keeping it simple, let's start with how these slimy bastards are managing to pull off brainwashing on mass.......NOW REMEMBER....that what you are about to read is JUST information that I have found whilst researching and I encourage everyone that reads this, to not just take my word for it, but to check this stuff out for yourselves.

One of the things that sticks in my mind regarding all of this, is a sound bite that I came across, which was a small section of a bigger quote by a guy named William Cooper, the author of the book entitled 'Behold the Pale Rider',  though sadly, now he is deceased.

He said......"You don't even recognise half the weapons they use against you. Some of them seem so insignificant that you don't even try".

I am going to start with the weapons that are the easiest to combat, once you are aware of them.

FLUORIDE in drinking water

Pioneered in the Russian gulags, during Stalin's regime. It was discovered that by adding fluoride to the prisoners' drinking water, they became more docile and easier to control. This was continued by another of history's fluffy and cuddly characters, Adolf Hitler, when it was added to the drinking waters of those poor unfortunates confined in the nazi concentration camps.

Then under the guise of help fighting tooth decay, many Governments worldwide began to start adding it to the drinking water in their respective countries.

This shit is a toxin, it has absolutely no health benefits... none whatsoever! It certainly does nothing to protect's a LIE....and any dentist that says otherwise is talking out of his/her arse...and needs a firm poke in the eye! It is an industrial by-product and is one of the main ingredients in drugs like Prozac ( a prescription mind control drug) and also found in most rat poisons!

It's effects on the human mind, are to dumb it down, make people more docile, compliant and increases our susceptibility to suggestion, thus making us easier to control.

How to combat it?

The first thing is to establish whether it is actually in your drinking water. It is used widely in the USA, Canada, UK and Australia. It has been reported recently, that due to many more people beginning to open their eyes to what's going on, the dosage has been increased.

Allegedly, many countries in western Europe do not add it to their water supplies. Unfortunately though, the best option is to not believe a word any of them say and check it out for yourself.
Now other than going on a spying mission to your local water treatment plant (and I personally don't see any reason why not to, if that's what you indeed want to do), the only other alternatives are to buy a relatively cheap kit, at places like ebay, to test your water.  Also it is possible to buy water filtration kits that will remove not only the fluoride from your water but other nasties too. (See the infowars link down the side of the page)

It's also worth pointing out,  DON'T TRUST BOTTLED WATER, as there is no guarantee that these products are fluoride free either. Bottled water mainly comes from the same source as our regular drinking water. You didn't really think these companies all had access to a beautifully clean and fresh mountain spring did you? In the case of the USA, bottled water has been found to not only contain Fluoride but Lithium too!......What the fuck is lithium doing in bottled water?

"Would you like ice and lemon with your water sir?"

"Oh yes please..and while you're at it, throw in some lithium would you!"

Er no!...these bastards are Despicable!

Next up, we have the system's most powerful and successful brain washing weapon.


During my research, I saw an interview with this man in his eighties, who has been studying secret societies for the majority of his life. The interviewer asked him how he had become interested in the subject. This guy went on to explain, and told the story of his relationship with his life long friend, from childhood.  He told how they went to school together, attended the same college, how his life and career went in one direction, whilst his friend went in another. His friends career eventually saw him becoming an agent for the CIA.

He recounted the story, of how one day, when his curiosity got the better of him, he asked his friend, about what he knew regarding secret societies within Government and their role in how the direction of the world was going.

His best friend looked him in the eyes and said...

"For obvious reasons, I can't tell you very much but the best piece of advice I can give to you, as my friend is...........  DON'T WATCH TELEVISION!"

Just consider this for a moment, is it a complete coincidence that the different shows and features on television/tv are known as and referred to as programmes?

The actual device itself emits alpha waves, these attack the brain and nervous system, putting the person into a mild hypnotic state and hinders the ability to be able to think critically.  The alpha wave bombardment works even if you are not watching the tv itself, just being in the same room whilst it is on is enough.

Have you ever walked in on someone watching tv and asked; 'What are you watching?....Is it any good?' They reply; ''s a right load of shit!' ....and yet they continue to watch it! Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone whilst the tv is on in the same room? Have you noticed how easily and how often their attention keeps being magically drawn away from the conversation to see what is happening on the screen?


Whilst in the midst of the hypnotic state, the tv unleashes wave after wave, programme after programme to condition the way that we think and act. We are told what to think, not how to think. The shows/programmes that we watch tell us how to behave and interact with our loved ones, families, friends and society in general.

So many people live their lives, like they are in some stupid fucking soap opera.  Their lives have to be full of 'drama' because that's how it's 'meant to be done'. Many, many relationships breakdown, because of over reactions to trivial shit, just like the crap viewed on tv. Television is responsible for twisting and distorting, not only our perceptions of life, but also our perception of ourselves. It has created a divided, class driven society. This aspect of it is very important, because division amongst humanity reduces our collective power.

It is one of the oldest tactics of warfare; Divide and Conquer.

While we are arguing amongst ourselves about trivial nonsense we are not concentrating our attention on what is really going on. Trivial nonsense like whose god is the best god. Whose political view is the right one. It teaches us to be concerned with utter trivialities like the colour of someone's skin, meaningless celebrity gossip, sport, whose football team is the best and so it goes on. It has taught us to think that success and status is measured upon the amount of money we have, how big our house is, the material things we own. It has taught us not to be concerned with the well being of others, but even worse....what's in it for me, me, me.

The incessant stream of cop shows, that tell us that the world is full of nasties, that we need to be protected from...(FEAR)....and that the cops/police are the good guys and will always be there to save us. It conditions us to respect the authority of the system, to be good little citizens. As long as we keep our heads down and our minds and mouths shut, we will be ok.

Hospital dramas and 'medical reality shows' tell us of the infinite amount of ailments that it is possible for our bodies to fall foul of.....(FEAR)....and that the nurses and doctors of the medical profession are miracle workers.

The wannabe shows like X-factor, You've got talent and Idols show us a stream of deluded muppets, strutting their stuff before a panel of industry 'experts' or judges. All this because of the lure of the big fucking carrot that is fame and fortune. This type of programme, reinforces the GREED mentality, the service to oneself. It's all about ego and me, me, me.

Shows like Big Brother? I mean seriously, how can anyone in their right mind, find watching other people sitting on a couch picking their nose interesting? You have been sitting on your sofa watching others from afar for so long, that perhaps you won't mind so much when the system does it to YOU. Will you?

The shows are full of brain dead 'celebrities' stuck in some jungle or on a desert island, sat around a camp fire, bitching and whining about everyone else. Just writing this description of it all seems pathetic enough, but the fact is that millions of people sit on their arses, actually watching this totally meaningless, trivial shit.


This is so powerful, and if you have any doubt to the power of it, then consider why corporate giants like Coca Cola, spend 70 % of their turnover on advertising.

We are bombarded with messages of what to buy, what to eat and what to wear.

We are told what to consider as being beautiful, what's ugly, how our bodies are meant to look. What's good, what's bad, what's fashionable and what's not.

We are convinced of the things we supposedly need to enhance our status, the right mobile phone, the right car, the right training shoes etc, etc, etc.

Again, if you doubt any of this, check your food cupboards, your wardrobe or your bathroom cabinet and ask yourself why you bought those trainers? Why that brand of soft drink? Why that particular deodorant?

This is the constant programming, that tells us to CONSUME, consume and consume some more. Gaining fulfillment and finding satisfaction can be found in the new mobile phone or the new pair of shoes, or so we are constantly told.


This is the service that is meant to provide us with the news of what is going on in the world. The best way to describe what's known as the mainstream media is pure and simple. One big joke.

The mainstream media is a big part of the much bigger picture however. So far I have tried to keep this information as simple as I can, which is a challenge in itself, but I will cover this subject again and in more depth.

What you need to realise is, is that the media is controlled directly, by one of the major players in the system, that is controlling us all.

Essentially there are only two...yes two...sources of news information in the world.

They are Reuters and the Associated Press or AP, but the reality here is that Reuters actually owns the from two we now have one news source......... but...... Reuters is owned by the Rothschild family...which is the major player that I mentioned and you will be hearing more about these bastards and their cohorts in the near future.

The mainstream news that most people are subjected to from their tv, or newspapers and radio, comes from these two/one news source.  Then it is distributed to the various worldwide networks, CNN, FOX, BBC etc. So the news you get to see on tv, is THEIR version of the news, the stuff that THEY want you to believe.

The news they give you is essentially all FEAR based shite and the best example I can give to explain this, is terrorism and the 'war' on terror.

This is one massive LIE.... It doesn't exist...there aren't terrorists queuing up to get on every plane, train, or bus, with the intent of blowing it up... it's a MYTH. The perpetuation of the myth, has allowed the system to gain more control over us. Little by little we are having our rights and freedoms eroded away. More security at every turn, more CCTV cameras watching our every move and all this is done 'to protect us' from these terrorists that supposedly lurk around every corner.

The real reason why the nations of the west have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and undermined countries from within, like Libya and Syria is natural resources and the aquisition of those natural resources.  There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan weren't heaving full with Al Queda terrorists... it's all complete and utter bollocks.

Just recently I had my attention taken to a story of a guy who had refused to pay his BBC license fee in the UK. His defense being that he refused to give his money to any corporation that continues to help cover the real truth and hide the real people responsible for the 9/11 atrocity. It's very interesting and here is the link to the story.

The subject of the mainstream news media is a broader one, but for now this was just a brief example of the LIES, LIES, LIES and BULLSHIT we are fed with, labelled as the truth.


This concerns the content of tv programmes and big screen movies. This can be the plot of the story, or individual scenes.  It is used to de-sensitise the mind to catastrophic events and images. It's used to make people readily accept things, that without prior exposure to predictive programming, would have seemed all too fantastic to readily accept without raising suspicion.

For example, if the world hadn't been bombarded with the many action movies from Hollywood and the explosive elements within them, then the scenes that confronted the world on that fateful day in September 2001, would have been greeted with far more shock and disbelief than was actually exhibited by the masses.

If suddenly a new piece of fantastic technology appears, there is very little thought about it. So many of the films over the years have incorporated technology, that at the time every one assumed was purely science fiction and just part of the movie.  Then a year or two later the same shit or something strikingly  similar to what was seen in the movie, is sitting on a shelf in some electronics store. No questions asked!

I have to admit that I have always been a fan of science fiction, in all its forms. I thought, hey, all this shit on tv and in movies is fantasy anyway, no matter what the subject is, it's all pretend. So why not watch stuff that doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is.

However, during my time researching this subject, I have seen and read some amazing, fantastic and unbelievable things about what has and is still ongoing, behind closed doors, in secret, by the black ops and secret project community. Now that I know how the game is being played, I can watch some of this sci fi stuff and know, that no matter how fantastic the story line, there will ALWAYS be an element of truth in it.

One of their favorite parts of this predictive programming, are the visions of the future.  Think of the films set in the future... now I'm struggling here... but can you think of any that portray a future that doesn't suck? More than the way things suck now? They predominantly portray a nightmarish vision, normally a police state of some sort, maybe the aftermath of a global war or global pandemic etc. Never one where we have the use of free energy, have depolluted the planet, where people live in harmony. Hmmm.....other than Star Trek, but that's about it.

Make no mistake, this is conditioning us to accept a horrific future, because we will have already seen it all before. This might make more sense to you if you research something known as AGENDA 21, sometimes given the code name by suited monkeys as SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. I will be covering this subject in the very near future, but the sooner more people learn about it the better. Remember the name - AGENDA 21.

So how do we combat the mind weapon that is television?

Well you could unplug the sucker, drag it outside into the garden, get a big club and smash it to fuck! could do what I do. Once you know what it is designed to do to you, you just limit your exposure to it! I am very choosy as to what I watch and so are the rest of my family. We watch specific things and then when it is over the tv gets switched off. It is never just left on like in so many households.

Regarding the news, mainstream news, if it is worth watching at all, it is only worth watching so that you can read between the lines. If you want to know what is really going on, then you need to find independent news providers on line. There are many on the internet that are very reliable sources of information.  Some of the websites that are linked from this blog are good places to start and from them you will find many more reliable sources.

What ever story you want information on, try to find multiple sources for the same story, this way you will get to see it from different perspectives.


This is perhaps the most sinister of their weapons.

Again this is a very broad subject that will be covered in more detail at a later date.

The best place to start is GMO's, (Genetically Modified Organism's). This all started with the bullshit about making plants and crops more resistant to the threats that caused low yields. "Oh how this will benefit the people of the third world"...they said, offering crops that would grow in climates where they wouldn't have been able to before.

Why bother spraying crops with pesticides, when you could genetically modify the plant to have the pesticides contained already within its genetic structure? Oooh, sounds yummy - not.

Combining the genetics of the plant with that of fish and insects, you can now grow strawberries, amongst other things,  that are resistant to frost and extreme cold. Mmmmm delicious - not!

Things have moved on and continue to move forward with the implementation of something called CODEX ALIMENTARIUS which is a very serious threat to humanity.  It is a group of food guidelines that have been introduced, which have even seen the criminalisation of organic farming! It has re classified nutrients and vitamins as toxins!

All food that is subject to trade between countries that are part of the WTO (World Trade Organisation) must be irradiated, thus nulifying the nutrients within them. All foods traded between countries will be subject to all other codex guidelines.

Also involved in all of this is a very nasty corporation called MONSANTO, that happens to be fronted by none other than Bill Gates...yes him, not content with polluting the world with his piece of shit computers and software products, now he is intent on helping to depopulate the world.. Again I recommend that you research AGENDA 21.

I highly recommend that you research CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and MONSANTO yourselves......just like everything written here, don't ever take my word for it - check it out yourself.

I used to joke that there was probably more nutritional value in food packaging than the food itself.  Well, now it's coming true. Essentially if this fully takes hold, millions of people will suffer the consequences to their health that a nutrient deficient diet will bring about and they will slowly starve to death, even if they have plenty of food to eat.

How do we combat it?

This is going to be difficult for everyone to combat, but this is where YOU need to do some research of your own and find out just how far your particular country has gone down the path of accepting and signing up to this monstrosity.

Other than that you can check the labels on the food that you buy and try to find as much organic food that you can. This can be difficult in some areas, not only to find, but also to afford, because of course any organic food you will find will be three times as expensive as its GMO equivalent.

All you can do is try to inform yourself as much as you can about the situation in your area or country. Once you have done this, make the most informed choices you can about the food you eat..... Good luck!

Hopefully I have gone some way to justify my earlier claims that.

We are being lied to.

We are being brainwashed.

We are being poisoned....and......we are being oppressed

Just take a moment to consider these points...........

We have done this to ourselves people.

We created Governments....yes! WE created them.

We created them to be OUR servants......Yes, servants to US the people!

We TELL them the way we want things to be, not the other way around.

We gave them OUR POWER and OUR PERMISSION to do these things and quite obviously they have twisted it distorted it and abused it. Collectively they have had a couple of hundred years to get us to this point and quite obviously the methods and strategies, we let them implement, have turned this world upside down and inside out.

They have never worked for the benefit of US and they never will work for the benefit of US, their creators.

So now it is clearly the time to say thank you very much but WE THE PEOPLE no longer give you OUR PERMISSION to Govern US or use OUR POWER.

WE will take it from, please just........

....and don't let the door smack you in the arse on your way out!

Thanks for reading

Love and Peace to you all.


  1. Just seen your post on the Crow House. I like your "focus" and clarity. Well done.

    1. I'm not a writer, I think that is evident. I do try to put the message across as simple as I can, your kind comment is very encouraging to me, many thanks.

      and thanks for reading.

      Love and Peace to you.
