Tuesday 12 February 2013

Egyptian Enigma

Mainstream sciences today and the academics within them, are so rigidly narrow minded and blinkered it's alarming!  Their refusal to accept anything that goes against current theories and thinking, is at best irrational and illogical and at its worst - downright childish to the point of putting their fingers in their ears, whilst singing 'La la la la la' as loudly as they can, until it goes away.  Why is that?

Science, by its very nature is meant to be about exploring, examining, experimenting, stimulating curiosity, looking at every possibility and looking at things from all angles, yet this is absolutely not the case at all.  Why is that?

Most unknowns start with a theory, or an idea. Then the evidence is examined and explored, seeking the how, the why, the when etc.  Then when all the evidence and data have been collated and formulated thoroughly, it is possible to come to conclusions, that either reaffirm the original idea or theory, or prove it wrong.  As sciences and techniques evolve, more discoveries are made, more evidence is uncovered, then theories have to be re-examined and in many cases changed.  Well, that's what you would think happens.  Wouldn't you?

Instead, what you see time and again, is either the new evidence being shoe horned into the long held, current theory (illogical and irrational) or if the new evidence suggests it, the answers that are so different are utterly dismissed (with a La la la la la). 

Often the people responsible for presenting these alternatives to currently held beliefs, suffer a character assassination in the process. They are branded a crackpot pseudo-scientist or the like. Unrelated elements of their lives are dragged out and focused upon, hoping to deflect attention away from what he/she has discovered or uncovered. Why would they do that?

Ok, so you say you don't believe the pseudo-scientists theory or that you refuse to even consider what the new evidence might imply, but why the need to resort to childish name calling and labeling?  It doesn't make sense does it?

Let's have a look at one of the most popular subjects, where mainstream science clashes with alternative evidence and theory.


Forgive my indulgence here, but I have always found this subject to be utterly fascinating. If you hadn't guessed this already, by the stunning image used as the header for this blog......and here is another!

Aside from theories, are these structures not magnificent and a marvel to behold?  I think so! Anyway lets get to it.....

The great pyramid is the last of the seven wonders of the ancient world still in existence and it is absolutely brimming with facts, feats and mathematical information! So much so, that at times it can become quite confusing and difficult to read.

I am initially going to try and make some of the information easier to comprehend, by breaking it down into eight of the amazing feats of engineering that it took to build this fantastic structure.

1)  An area of land was leveled at a size of 55,000m2 (592,000 ft2)  This area was covered with stone slabs with an average weight of 1.5 tons (1524 kilos).

2)  Part of the inner structure, known as 'The relieving chambers'  is constructed of 130 granite blocks, varying in weight from 12 tons ( 12,193 kilos) to 70 tons (71,125 kilos). These blocks were then lifted to a height of 210 feet (64 meters) to be fitted into the required position.  This would be a challenge today.

3)  Inside the pyramid there are three chambers, that have been built with incredible accuracy. The king's chamber is aligned, both vertically and horizontally to within a 50th of an inch!  The passage that leads to the lower chamber is for the most part cut through solid granite. It is 300 feet long (91.5 meters) and 3 feet wide (0.91 meters).

Independent modern architects and structural engineers have described these two elements,  the king's chamber and lower passage as requiring modern day, high tech, laser guided equipment to be able to produce this 'amazing accuracy'.  Perhaps even more accurate than anything that could be achieved today, even with the aid of such equipment!

4)  The outer mantle of the structure consists of approximately 2 million blocks with an average weight of 15 tons (15,241 kilos). The blocks are of different shapes and sizes (thus making the accuracy achieved even more difficult) and are aligned to an overall accuracy of less than 1mm. Not forgetting also, that these large blocks were somehow lifted into position right to the very top of the pyramid to a height of 481 feet (146.49 meters)

This awesome structure has managed to withstand countless earthquakes to the region, whilst many modern buildings have not.

5)  The great pyramid is aligned to true north, with an accuracy of within a 500th of a degree. This level of accuracy, described as 'atomic accuracy' has only again been achieved in very recent times.

6)  The pyramid actually has EIGHT sides, which can only be seen clearly, due to shadows, for a very short period of time during the Autumn equinox.  This makes the accuracy of the outer stones placement even more incredible.

7)  The speed at which the pyramid was built from start to finish is said to be 20 years. This would have required a huge army of humanity, working 12 hour shifts, 365 days a year.  They would have had to quarry, carve, transport, lift and fit into place - one block EVERY two and a half minutes!

8)  The only tools used were copper chisels, stone mallets and hemp rope.


The ancient egyptians, managed to clear and level an area the size of SIX football pitches,  create a foundation, cover the area with slabs that weighed the same as a family car of today.  They had to quarry and carve, then drag blocks some weighing as much as 70 tons from a quarry 500 miles away. Finally lifting these into place at heights of over 200 feet.

They created chambers and passages inside so accurately aligned, that it might not even be possible to achieve today, even with our technology.

They then covered this inner core with over 2 million pieces of limestone, weighing 15 tons a pop, created 8 sides instead of 4, align the structure to North with mind boggling accuracy.... oh and make it earthquake proof!

Taking them just 20 years to complete - without wheels, iron or steel and using only copper mallets and hemp rope. All whilst the rest of humanity were wearing fur skins and carrying spears as hunter gatherers.

This is what mainstream science would have us believe.

Well I'm sorry... I don't know about you - but I just don't buy it!

I'm going to try and put a few things mentioned here into some kind of perspective.

Right, let's start with weight.

The largest trucks on UK roads are known as articulated trucks.

The gross weight (total weight) of these trucks, when fully loaded within the law, is 38 tons, the payload or the actual weight of the goods/load carried is 21 tons.  Some of the pyramid's stone blocks mentioned weigh 70 tons, which is nearly double the weight of one of these fully loaded trucks.

So just imagine for a minute, what it would take to drag 2 of these fully loaded trucks, in one lump, 500 miles, without any wheels on them!  I'm guessing here, but I reckon that might be a tad on the difficult side.  Even if the ground was completely level for the whole of the 500 miles, it would be tough enough.  Yet what about dragging this lump up hill?  Further, imagine if you came to a downward gradient, once the rock started to slide downhill and it picked up momentum, how would you control it from running amok?


Whilst researching this topic, I found a few different references to the story that follows. It refers to strikingly similar pyramids on the other side of the world to Egypt, those in South America and Mexico.

The ancient pyramids of this region have an identical method of construction and considering the Egyptian and South American cultures never met, that's quite some coincidence. Unless of course they were connected somehow... but that's another story!

Anyway, the story goes something like this:

When the Spanish landed in South America and discovered the Inca and Aztec civilizations they were amazed by the pyramids and were curious as to how they had been constructed. So they asked the elders to explain just how they managed it.  The elders came out with a similar story to what we are meant to believe from mainstream science, regarding the techniques used to achieve such amazing feats of engineering.  They basically fed the Spanish the same bullshit; of an army of men, dragging large lumps of stone, over large distances and so on.

So the Spanish dude says, 'Come on then, show me'.  This was probably said with a sword pointing at said poor Inca elder's throat by the way. So the elder gathers together a large group of men to demonstrate.

They conveniently had a stone, that had already been quarried, carved and ready to be moved. (Like you do) - only this stone was a tiddler, weighing under 10 tons. They proceeded in dragging it a few miles from the quarry to a destination the Spanish dude had ordered. Well, as expected, it was slow and extremely tough going, to the extent that they lost control of it at one point. The stone tumbled down the side of a mountain, taking a large number of the men with it, killing them in the process.

Well they were probably going to die at the hands of the Spanish marauders one way or another, so why not go because of a big arse rock dragging you off a cliff and squashing you like a ripe melon at the bottom?

Eventually, after retrieving the rock and continuing on with the journey, the Spanish spectators realised that these Inca guys were having a laugh....they were blagging it.......they were lying! There was absolutely no way that these guys had built these fantastic structures in this fashion.  Still some miles from its final destination, the whole exercise was abandoned and the stone remains there today.

The large grooves caused by tremendous straining on ropes, biting into the rock is probably evidence enough to see that, no, this wasn't how it was done!

Meanwhile back to Egypt, where you have successfully managed to drag your 70 ton rock to the Giza plateau...........

So now you have your stone block on site, all you have to do now is lift it 200 feet into the air. To accomplish this today you would need some kind of massive, kick arse crane. Something like this beast!

Now unless something like this has been dug out of the ground, covered in hieroglyphics that I don't know about, it tells me....... no, in fact it is screaming at me, that something else was going here!

Let's check out the time it took to build...... 20 years.

In 1964 the ancient egyptian temple of Abu Simbel was saved from being lost underwater, due to the construction of the Aswan dam.  The whole thing was cut into 2200 blocks with an average weight of 25 tons, it was then dismantled and moved to a new location 65 meters higher and 200 meters further back from the river.

There it was reassembled, with all of the most modern of technology of the time used. Trucks and cranes etc. It was described at the time as 'One of the greatest challenges of archeological engineering in history'. They cut, moved and lifted 2200 blocks weighing 25 tons  to another location only 200 meters away, then reconstructed it using trucks and cranes and it took 5 years to complete!

I also found reference to a clay quarry pit in the Les Forges Bain Essonne region in France, which mentioned that the pit was estimated to be the same size and volume as the great pyramid at Giza. Fleets of trucks laden with loose soil, rubble etc, were running to the pit and dumping their cargo in, day after day, week after week, year after year, until it was completely full.  All this took 12 years to complete and this, without ANY construction needed!

If you stop to think about these two examples, it seems quite obvious that the time scale that mainstream archeology expects us to believe, of 20 years to build the great pyramid, using the dubious methods they also expect us to believe - is pure fantasy.

There is very little in the way of documented evidence about this period. In fact, many of the hieroglyphs are subject to conjecture and egyptologists can't even agree amongst themselves what they say.  Sure, many have been translated with full agreement across the board, but there still remains plenty that have not.

Also, whilst I'm mentioning hieroglyphs, it's worth pointing out that there aren't any to be found on the inside or outside of the great pyramid. Interesting eh?

Even if we had full blown diagrams showing how it was all done, it still wouldn't be proof, especially if the tale of the 'tired stone' is anything to judge by.  The ancient Egyptians were full of themselves, how great they were, how powerful they were and so on.  Highly understandable really considering, they had to portray themselves like this to their enemies, all part of the propaganda.

They weren't going to openly admit to anyone the reality. Which could have been something along the lines of:  'Oh yeah, we were walking along one day, like us nomads do and we stumbled upon these vacant buildings - just doing nothing. So we thought we would move in like'.

I'm not saying that is what happened, but I don't think it is beyond the realms of possibility, considering how little is really known of what truly happened.

I can however understand, to some degree, the reluctance to let go of current theory. I can well imagine some of these egyptologists, have spent the best part of their lives believing it and preaching it as gospel to universities, colleges and schools.  Ego is largely responsible unfortunately, which is sad, because as mentioned earlier, science shouldn't be about feeding egos - it should be about finding the truth.

Even still, two egyptologists went out of their way, to only prove themselves wrong, by trying to prove the current theory right and failed abysmally, on occasions that were both documented. Why not just admit and say 'Hey, we could be wrong about this' and consider other alternatives, rather than proving yourself wrong and still continuing with the bullshit. As the saying goes, 'It takes a big person to admit they're wrong' and science, it seems, is not overly brimming with 'big' people.

Contrary to this, is a quote from an interview with a renowned french architect and structural engineer, by the name of Jean Pierre Martin. This guy knows what it takes to plan and construct very large and very complicated projects. A complete independent, with no bias one way or another. He is responsible for some modern day construction marvels both in France and across the world.  When asked, who he thought had built the great pyramid of Giza and how it had been done, he said 'I always like to believe strongly in the power of 'man',  rather than outside help from anyone else, such as aliens, but I don't have a clue how it was done'.

He added 'I know that I couldn't do it.'   Thus proving that there ARE still some big people out there. If only he was an egyptologist!

As I mentioned earlier, I have tried to keep it simple and focus on only a couple of the many feats of engineering that it took to build this magnificent structure. In truth, it is far from a simple subject. There
are countless unexplained feats of engineering that I have not focused on at all - purposely. Although I would like to share just one more of the interesting anomalies that I came across.


Inside the so called 'King's chamber there is a 'coffer'. Basically it is an ornamental strong box. As usual though, this is primarily the description given to it by mainstream science.  When in truth it was probably designed for something far more interesting than keeping a few trinkets in.

It is too large to fit through the passageway that leads to the chamber it was discovered in, so the belief is that it was put in place during the construction itself.

It has been examined by independent engineers, again with no bias one way or the other as to the results of the examinations. It has been subjected to microscopic analysis, which revealed some interesting evidence.

It was sawn out of a block of solid granite, using bronze saw blades, that were estimated would had to have been 9 feet long (3.9 meters) and set with cutting teeth made from Sapphires. It was then hollowed out by using a fixed point drill with tubular drill bits, made of the same materials as the saw blades and to achieve this a vertical force of 2 tons would have been needed to get the job done.

Again, does this sound like something an ancient culture with only bronze chisels and stone mallets did? Well, apparently microscopic analysis says hold on... there was something else going on here!

Aside from the engineering feats, the whole structure is overflowing with geometric and mathematical facts, that produce matching information such as:

The dimensions of the earth.

The dimensions of the sun.

The distance to the sun from earth.

The distance to the moon.

The speed of the earth as it travels around the sun.

The speed of light.

......and on and on and on and on!

I'm not asking anyone to believe in extraterrestrials nor am I saying that they had anything to do with the pyramids, but is the alien thing any more fantastic than the quite obvious crap that mainstream egyptology and archeology would expect us to swallow?

I'm just pointing out that it is again quite obvious that we really don't know how, by whom and perhaps the most important question of them all - why the pyramids were even built?

The refusal of the mainstream community to look beyond the end of their collective noses is baffling. When there is so much fantastic knowledge here to be had, right at the end of their fingertips.

Maybe, just maybe, there are people on this planet that do know the truth behind the pyramids and that truth is so fantastic, so unbelievable, so powerful, that they have purposefully mislead the lot of us and have kept the answers for themselves.

Again I ask. Why?

One last thought in parting. There is a saying in Arabic that I found amongst all this, that is profound, powerful and also, I believe, quite provocative.

It says:   'Time fears the pyramids'

Thanks for reading.

Love and Peace to you all.

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