Monday 4 February 2013

Where It Begins

The confusion starts, when we begin our so called 'education'.

The reason for this, is that it isn't education at all, it's indoctrination. Now this isn't the fault of the so called teachers, because they themselves have been indoctrinated. For the most part they believe that what they are doing is genuine teaching. When in fact, they are just repeating to their classes, the same crap that was repeated to them by their so called teachers, that was repeated to them by their teachers and on and on and on the cycle continues.

When you leave school, college or university, with a handful of certificates, you are perceived to be a success, when in the reality of it, what any successful student  is......a really talented human parrot!
The successful student has the ability to show these academic institutions that he/she can repeat back to them, a large portion of the doctrine that they have been exposed to during their time in 'education'.

In other words they have shown to the system they have successfully downloaded the doctrine,
ie; been brainwashed.

To leave these institutions with a barrow load of certificates,  doesn't mean he/she is intelligent, it simply means they have a good memory.  In the course of my life I have come across many of these supposedly intelligent people, with letters after their names and so on, that according to society are deemed to be intelligent because of the certificates they have.  When the reality of it is, they have displayed naivety about anything other than their specialised subject (doctrine) and shown to have a complete lack of common sense.

The lack of common sense being displayed by Humanity seems to be increasing at an alarming rate. Just look at some of the shit that is written in places like Facebook.

If this wasn't bad enough, when you take a look at the doctrine itself you begin to understand that so much of it, is complete bollocks. Lies and more lies to cover up blatant lies.  Many subjects that are  theory based are flawed. When you actually examine these theories, that we are meant to believe to be fact, they are actually still just theories, still unproven. If a mainstream theory is repeated enough, generation after generation, then to the mainstream academic community it becomes fact and thus it becomes part of the acceptable doctrine that is implanted into fresh, young enquiring minds.

Education should be about being presented with the current theories and thinking behind subjects, as just that.  Explaining what the current theories are, presenting them and then encouraging students to read about the subject themselves and come to their own conclusions. Rather than the, BELIEVE, COPY, REMEMBER, REPEAT, scenario that we have now. Students should be encouraged to read stuff for themselves and think for themselves, rather than just accepting that the party line crap, is fact.

If you want  education....THEN READ and read some more and QUESTION everything!

Over the last few months, I have been taking my own advice. I have been doing lots of reading and research.   Even after this short amount of time, a picture is beginning to form,  a picture that suggests much of what I thought to be fact about the world, is quite the opposite.

An interesting piece of information.......notice that I never said fact, because, like I say, it isn't, it's just information. Rather compelling information though, that I have come across from multiple unrelated sources, which is a good indicator that you are on to something, but even so still must be questioned and not simply accepted.

Over 50 percent of official documentation regarding, human origins, human history, physics, biology, chemistry, medicine and many others is either, full on classified, hidden or just plain missing.

If this is the case, how the hell can any one of us minions know what has happened in our history and what is happening right now,  if we only know less than half the story?  Well obviously we can't, which further emphasises the need to find things out for ourselves and come to our own conclusions.

So I urge those of you who have dropped by, to go and turn off the government weapon, that is the television, and read stuff! Question things! Encourage your family members and your friends to read a book or go online to try and look at things from all angles. Question things! Read some more and question some more... and to enjoy the liberation.

Thanks for reading.....PEACE and LOVE  to you all.

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