Sunday 3 February 2013


First of all, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you all...

If you have been directed here by a friend and you have stopped by of your own choosing, then thank you very much - I sincerely hope that you find it, at the very least, thought provoking.

If you have stumbled here accidentally then I hope you might have the curiosity to stay a while and have a read.

I have found that far too many of these blog thingies are born from, or are driven by ego. Come and read my blog..... Have you seen my blog?  For nothing more than self adulation.

Well there is none of that here.

I have no bias towards any political or religious standpoint. The aim here is to get you thinking about the world you live in a little more and examine events going on around you a little closer, to get you asking questions.....because, let's be clear.....


We are all being lied to, we are being brainwashed, we are being poisoned, we are being oppressed and this is known by only a very small percentage of the worlds population.

Ok... Right before you grab that mouse and click your way out of here, thinking 'Oh here we go... another fucking weirdo crackpot', let me just say this....

I am a normal guy, I have driven trucks, I have fixed cars, I have been a manager, I have to pay the bills just the same as you. I have kids, now grandkids (on the way) I like football, I play playstation games. I am just a normal person - the only difference, is that after thinking for years that this world is incredibly imbalanced, I now know it to be true.  Things are just not right...are they?

You might well be absolutely secure right now with a job, good income, a nice car - you might have the latest phone, gadgets, get to have your holidays every year and all that bollocks and feel that none of this concerns you........ Well things can, do and will change very quickly if we don't stand up and fight ......BROTHERS and SISTERS TOGETHER.

Imagine if you will:   You are laying on a beautiful beach, the sea is gently lapping onto the sand, the sun is warm and soothing, there is a light breeze brushing gently across your skin, you have a nice cold drink on hand, snacks - everything you could want. Except....

Its all a dream, you are really laying in bed and your house is on fire.

So here is the question....

Do you?

A) Wish to remain in this wonderful dream, only to be barbecued where you lay?

B) Want to be woken up, so that you can rescue yourself and the rest of your family?

Now correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm pretty sure most if not all, will answer B.

Well here I am... up a ladder at your bedroom window banging and shouting!

WAKE UP!!!!........  PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!........

Before it's too late!


  1. Congratulations on your first ever blog Doctor Dex! My eyes are struggling to open as I stand by my bed....... What next Sir?

    1. Many thanks....well just stay tuned and keep reading and ever so gradually those beautiful blue eyes of yours will soon be WIDE open.
